Visual Merchandising Consultancy To Support Local Artisan Businesses at Nene Court
Over the past couple of months I have been working with new client, Nene Court Emporium in Wellingborough, Northants.
Owner, Paul has created a fantastic business of creating a retail emporium selling local artisan gifts and crafts from over 50 local sellers. Paul has seen a huge increase of visitors over the past year, especially due to the increase of appreciation from customers to buy and support local businesses.
I have been working with Paul and his Store Manager to showcase their local artists within their windows and creating linked hot spot areas in store, which will rotate on a monthly basis. Paul has reported an increase of sales for one artist showcased in June’s window by 100% !! Which was amazing news and really highlights the importance of the shop window !
This month we have worked on creating more impactful signage on the front of his store, creating a stronger message for customers about who they are as a store.
For more information on how I can assist your business with Visual Merchandising Consultancy please contact me via email ;
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